Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Elite Trooper Show BBC2 Best of Recon by Hollondon

This is some great shite folks. The camera is on my 11 yr old son ccEliteTroopercc. I thought I was the sniper king in this family, I fall a bit short. Music credits - Radiohead "Palo Alto" for the intro and "The National Anthem" throughout the entirety of the film. He eliminated his targets with ease and the way he fires his pistol. He uses the M24, my personal favourite, but I canny use it. I've Platinumed the gun and 9 Gold stars (1 away) for the M-95 Specact as it will be my 6th. In order 1. Knife 2. MBT 3. Thanks to the brilliant heli pilots I've the honour to gun for Orlin123456789, ccEliteTroopercc, Lambchowder, and GETITRITEUPYE. 4. M-24 5. Stationary LMG's. M-95 will be 6th and 9 gold on my anti tank mines will be my 7th. This is ALL about Elite, No one else. There is only one ccEliteTroopercc.


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Verruckt World at War Zombies Glitch Pt 1 By Hollondon

This is Hollondon with HollondonSCO with a Verruckt World at War Glitch from days of old. It is an invisible barrier glitch as well as the "21 Gun" glitch referring to the number of guns in the box on this map. Part 1 here shows you how to set up the invisible barrier glitch. in this series will actually be 2 glitches in one. Enjoy!